7 Inspirational Character Looks for Halloween 2018

Halloween may be known as the spookiest time of the season, but if you enjoy cosplaying and dressing up as your favorite characters, it may just be your favorite event of the year!Without further ado, here are 7 inspirational character looks for Halloween 2018!
1. Game of Thrones - Daenerys Targaryen

[image: MilliganVick as Daenerys]
Daenarys Targayen from the hit series Game of Thrones is one of the most popular female characters to cosplay since she first appeared on television in 2011. And that’s no surprise. With the princess’s beautifully white flowing locks, fans and non-fans alike are all clamoring to be her. To copy her look, check out this natural-looking icy blonde wig from our closet!
2. Marvel’s Wonder Woman - Wonder Woman

[image: Alyson Tabbitha as Wonder Woman]
Marvel’s Wonder Woman is the perfect embodiment of strength and femininity all in one. She knows where to hit all the bad guys when necessary, but she also shows compassion and kindness even to the weakest of us. No wonder she has become such an idol for the cosplay community! Want your hair to look as kickass as hers? Try our Black Long Wavy Wig for the most natural look!
3. Overwatch - D.va

[image: Mio-Eleven as D.va]
Overwatch has been rising in popularity as one of the best eSports since it was first released in 2016. With its over two dozen diverse characters, Overwatch has also become a fan favorite among many cosplayers. One of the favorite female characters is D.va,professional gamer and mech pilot, and also probably the sexiest character in Overwatch’s roster. Complete your D.va cosplay with a wig from our collection! You can opt for long hair or just medium-length hair. There’s even a wavy option, if you want. And that’s the beauty of cosplaying as D.va-- she’s so pretty, anything works for her.
4. Marvel’s Black Widow - Black Widow

[image: Giorgia Cosplay as Black Widow]
Marvel definitely ups the ante with the sexy but fatal Black Widow, also known as one of the best assassins you’ll never see coming. As a spy, she’s virtually impossible to spot. With that facade, you’d probably never even think of a killer. Countless cosplayers have attempted to capture her deadly beauty, and if you want to be one of them, you might enjoy trying adding our gorgeous reddish copper wavy wig to your ensemble.
5. Horizon Zero Dawn - Aloy

[image: Ibelinn Cosplay as Aloy]
Horizon Zero Dawn is one of the latest RPG releases for the Sony PS4. There’s a lot of good things to say about it, but for many cosplayers, here’s one: the protagonist is quite a looker. As a hunter, Aloy may not look like your typical videogame female character, but that’s what so awesome about her. Plus, you gotta admit, she’s got quite pretty brown and wavy locks!
6. Nier Automata - 2B

[image: @lunattrix as 2B]Often hailed as one of the best games that ever came to the Sony PS4, there’s no surprise that Nier Automata has a lot, and we mean a lot, of fans. Luckily, it has a lot of cosplay-able characters to choose from. One of them is one of the protagonists herself, YoRHa No.2 Type B or better known as 2B. She’s sexy and adorable and serious and cute all in one, instantly becoming a favorite among cosplaying fans. Going as her this Halloween 2018? Check out our grey bob cut wig, perfect for her look!
7. The Nun (2018) - Nun

[image: @feliciavox as a nun]
So far we’ve discussed only characters in popular media, but what’s Halloween without some traditional cosplays, right? With the movie The Nun having just come out this September, we can make a pretty good guess as to what we’ll possibly be seeing this coming Halloween. The best thing about this? You’re free to choose whatever hair you want! You can go with the more conservative blacks, browns, and reds, but you can also be more creative and try out purples or even pinks. Leave it to your imagination!
There you go! Hopefully you won’t have any trouble finishing your outfit for All Hallows’ Eve. May you have a spooky Halloween!

Author: Jean S. | September 25, 2018
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